Game Snake pada Visual Basic 6.0

Kembali ke masa-masa di mana ponsel masih monokrom. Ingatkah Anda, game apa yang saat itu paling populer? Sebagian besar mungkin akan menjawab bahwa game yang paling populer saat itu adalah game Snake, yang mulai ada di ponsel Nokia seri 5110.

Tip kali ini adalah membuat game Snake sederhana dengan VB. Game ini dilengkapi dengan score, dan kecepatan yang berbeda untuk setiap levelnya.

Langkah-langkah untuk membuatnya adalah:

1. Buat sebuah form dengan 1 buah picture box dengan nama Picture1. 1
Ubah Property Width menjadi 4335, Height menjadi 3855, Backcolor menjadi H00FFFFFF&.

Deklarasi utamanya adalah sebagai

Const WarnaGrid = vbBlack
Const WarnaKepala = vbWhite
Const warnaTubuh = vbGreen
Const warnaMakanan = vbRed
Const warnaGaris = vbWhite
Private Declare Function GetTickCount Lib "kernel32" ()
As Long
Private Type Part
X As Integer
Y As Integer
End Type
Dim Part() As Part
Dim Level As Long
Dim vX As Integer, vY As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Dim CS As Single
Dim FX As Integer, FY As Integer
Dim X As Integer, Y As Integer
Dim bRunning As Boolean, died As Boolean

2. Inisialisasi dan event-event yang dicegat, pada saat game kali pertama dijalankan:

Private Sub Form_Load()
Picture1.BackColor = warnaGaris
Picture1.ScaleMode = 3 'pixels
CS = 20

X = Int(Picture1.ScaleWidth / CS)

Y = = Int(Picture1.ScaleHeight / CS)

3. Subrutin lain yang dibutuhkan adalah:

Picture1.AutoRedraw = True
Picture1.ScaleWidth = X * CS
Picture1.ScaleHeight = Y * CS
Me.WindowState = 2
DrawGrid Picture1, CS
died = False
'set up the game
ReDim Part(0)
Part(0).X = 0
Part(0).Y = 0
FX = Int(Rnd * X)
FY = Int(Rnd * Y)
bRunning = True
Level = 1
Form1.Caption = "Score: " & UBound(Part) & " Level : "
& Level
End Sub
Private Sub Picture1_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift
As Integer)
Select Case KeyCode
Case vbKeyRight
vX = 1: vY = 0
Case vbKeyLeft
vX = -1: vY = 0
Case vbKeyUp
vX = 0: vY = -1
Case vbKeyDown
vX = 0: vY = 1
End Select
End Sub
Private Sub Picture1_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
If KeyAscii = 27 Then bRunning = False
If KeyAscii = Asc("p") Then MsgBox "Pause"

End Sub
Sub MainLoop()
Do While bRunning = True
WAIT (160 - Level * 10)
Unload Me
End Sub
Sub Update()
'menggerakkan tubuh
For i = UBound(Part) To 1 Step -1
Part(i).X = Part(i - 1).X
Part(i).Y = Part(i - 1).Y
Next i
Part(0).X = Part(0).X + vX
Part(0).Y = Part(0).Y + vY
'menabrak pinggiran
If Part(0).X <>= X Or Part(0).Y <>= Y Then
died = True
End If
'menabrak diri sendiri
For i = 1 To UBound(Part)
If Part(i).X = Part(0).X And Part(i).Y = Part(0).Y Then
died = True
End If
Next i
If Part(0).X = FX And Part(0).Y = FY Then
ReDim Preserve Part(UBound(Part) + 1)
Part(UBound(Part)).X = -CS
Part(UBound(Part)).Y = -CS
FX = Int(Rnd * X)
FY = Int(Rnd * Y)
If UBound(Part) Mod 20 = 0 Then Level = Level + 1
Form1.Caption = "Parts: " & UBound(Part) & " Level
: " & Level
End If
If died = True Then NewGame
End Sub
Sub Draw()
Rectangle 0, 0, X * CS, Y * CS, WarnaGrid
For i = 1 To UBound(Part)
Rectangle Part(i).X * CS, Part(i).Y * CS, Part(i).X
* CS + CS, Part(i).Y * CS + CS, warnaTubuh
Next i
Rectangle Part(0).X * CS, Part(0).Y * CS, Part(0).X
* CS + CS, Part(0).Y * CS + CS, WarnaKepala
Rectangle FX * CS, FY * CS, FX * CS + CS, FY * CS +
CS, warnaMakanan
DrawGrid Picture1, CS
End Sub
Sub Rectangle(X1 As Integer, Y1 As Integer, X2 As
Integer, Y2 As Integer, color As Long)
Picture1.Line (X1, Y1)-(X2, Y2), color, BF
End Sub
Sub NewGame()
died = False
ReDim Part(0)
Part(0).X = 0
Part(0).Y = 0
vX = 0
vY = 0
FX = Int(Rnd * X)
FY = Int(Rnd * Y)
End Sub
Sub DrawGrid(Pic As Control, CS As Single)
Dim i As Integer, Across As Single, Up As Single
Across = Pic.ScaleWidth / CS
Up = Pic.ScaleHeight / CS
For i = 0 To Across
Pic.ForeColor = warnaGaris
Pic.Line (i * CS, 0)-(i * CS, Up * CS)
For i = 0 To Up
Pic.ForeColor = warnaGaris
Pic.Line (0, i * CS)-(Across * CS, i * CS)
Next i
End Sub
Sub WAIT(Tim As Integer)
Dim LastWait As Long
LastWait = GetTickCount
Do While Tim >
GetTickCount - LastWait
End Sub

4. Simpan, dan jalankan program. Tampilan yang didapatkan adalah sebagai berikut:

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